Ethical Oversight

DMJ welcomes authors of all walks of life, regardless of:

  • ethnicity and/or race
  • religious affiliations
  • age
  • socioeconomic status
  • disabilities

Our stance on research on animals:

Experimenting on animals is acceptable if (and only if):

  • suffering is minimized in all experiments
  • human benefits are gained which could not be obtained by using other methods

We follow the guidelines posted by the BBC (

The three Rs are: Reduction, Refinement, Replacement.


Reducing the number of animals used in experiments by:

  •  Improving experimental techniques
  •  Improving techniques of data analysis
  • Sharing information with other researchers


Refining the experiment or the way the animals are cared for so as to reduce their suffering by:

  • Using less invasive techniques
  • Better medical care
  • Better living conditions


Replacing experiments on animals with alternative techniques such as:

  • Experimenting on cell cultures instead of whole animals
  • Using computer models
  • Studying human volunteers
  • Using epidemiological studies


For more information about ethical animal testing these are the guidelines we go by:,obtained%20by%20using%20other%20methods


Our stance on ethical human testing:

Research studies that require human testing are accepted if and only if:

  1. Human test subjects are limited to volunteers, who are well aware of the research they are about to undergo and all the potential risk, and consent fully without coercion, and sign a written consent form, which should be attached with the data of the research article, including contact information. With complete respect for anonymity (whatever is comfortable to the volunteer).
    If not provided, research article will be discredited and unpublished.
  2. Human test subjects should be of free will, not involved in exploitations, or manipulated due to being of the vulnerable population.
  3. If research can be conducted on animal subjects refer to ethics of animal test subjects guidelines above.

We expect the authors to follow the WMA declaration of Helsinki (


Our stance on policies on consent to publication:

Refer to Authorship Policies


Our stance on handling confidential data and ethical business/marketing practices:

Refer to Data sharing policies