Publication Ethics ,Submission Requirements, Author guide , Author Fees


    Publication Ethics:

    The Dental Medium Journal maintains high standards for publication ethics and upholds ethical research practices. We strive to adhere to the Code of Conduct for journal publishers and follow the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Journal editors are encouraged to adhere to the Journal Editors' Publication Ethics, and reviewers are referred to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers as needed. Any allegations of misconduct will be investigated following COPE best practice guidelines to the fullest extent possible. If any potential violation of publishing ethics is reported, we urge journal editors and staff to notify the DMJ contact promptly. We will determine how to investigate allegations of ethical misconduct and seek legal advice if necessary.

  • Submission Requirements:

    One copy of the manuscript should be sent digitally to DENTAL MEDIUM EMAIL: A signed letter of transmittal, including the corresponding author's name and full address/email, should be attached to the manuscript. DENTAL MEDIUM will consider only articles submitted exclusively to DENTAL MEDIUM. All materials sent will undergo peer review.

    Manuscript Format Author guide :

    • All manuscripts should be in English, as our publication is bilingual. Non-Arabic authors will be assisted in preparing an Arabic summary of their article for publication once accepted.
    • English abstracts should be a minimum of 300 words.
    • Manuscripts should not exceed 8 double-spaced pages (A4) exclusive of references and illustrations.

    Clinical Cases and Reports:

    Clinical cases and reports should adhere to the same manuscript format, including:

    • A case presentation
    • Clinical procedures and outcomes
    • Consent forms for patients and test subjects

    Please note that unpublished articles will not be returned to the authors.

    Recommendations Before Publishing:

    Before submitting your article for publication, consider the following recommendations:

    • During your research and writing, make separate notes for every piece of information and data you reference or use, along with its source, to ensure proper citation. In medical fields, the preferred citation method is the Vancouver citation style, which should follow this format: x. Author(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. (where 'x' is the number attributed in the article)
    • Work with integrity and avoid rushing your study just for the sake of publishing, as any form of misconduct can lead to issues in future publications.
    • Ensure your research papers clearly communicate your ideas. Run your paper through a grammar checker and have someone read it to check for clarity.
    • Manuscripts should include 5-10 keywords.
    • Illustrations should not exceed 6-8 images, charts, or graphs, and 2-4 tables.
    • References should be numbered consecutively in the order mentioned in the text, keeping them to a minimum.
  • Author Fees:

    An agreement will be made with the research author regarding the costs and fees associated with reviewing and publishing their research in the Dental Medium Journal.

    • Manuscripts should include 5-10 keywords.
    • Illustrations should not exceed 6-8 images, charts, or graphs, and 2-4 tables.
    • References should be numbered consecutively in the order mentioned in the text, keeping them to a minimum.